Tue. May 7th, 2024

Mobile, Ala. (WALA)– Interest in learning American Sign Language is steadily increasing, not just for deaf people, but for everyone, and one ASL instructor on the Eastern Shore is committed to teaching others the importance of learning the language. 

Cheray Bixler has many family members who are deaf, and it’s changed her life for the better. ASL is more than just a hobby, it’s her passion and career. 

When she was seven year old, her family adopted her sister, who is deaf. That’s when Bixler began learning.

“We all decided it was the best thing to do rather than use the oral method,” said Bixler. “It would be best to use American Sign Language.” 

Today, she is an ASL instructor with the Eastern Shore Institute for Lifelong Learning. 

In her classes, she sees doctors, mother-daughter duos, and even police. 

She especially sees a need for officers to learn.

“It’s so important for our police officers just to know the basics,” she said. “Stop, go, and wait. That kind of thing.” 

Interest is also on the rise, potentially due to more people seeing translators during COVID-19 press conferences, and it’s the third most common language in the United States. 

“The interest comes from all fields,” said Bixler. “Some people just want to learn the language and be able to communicate with people in the deaf community, so we have seen increased interest in people wanting to learn.” 

After being a teacher for 12 years, her goal is to show everyone ASL isn’t just for the deaf, it can be for everyone. 

Beginning in September, classes will be Monday and Wednesday nights at the Eastern Shore Institute for Lifelong Learning. These are open to professionals, such as police officers, or for the general public. 

All content © 2021, WALA; Mobile, AL. (A Meredith Corporation Station). All Rights Reserved.  

Source: https://www.fox10tv.com/news/alabama/interest-in-learning-american-sign-language-grows-along-the-gulf-coast/article_38dfce4c-dec4-11eb-b614-07badaac7aef.html