Fri. Apr 26th, 2024

The inhabitants of the village use only one language, which is called Kata Kolok.

The inhabitants of the village use a sign language, which is called Kata Kolok

Indonesia is known worldwide for its attractive tourist destinations. People who visit here need to at least know how to speak in English to be able to talk to the locals. Of course, there’s nothing better than knowing the local language. But today we are going to talk about a village located in Bali, where most of the people use sign languages for communication.

The inhabitants of the village use only one language, which is called Kata Kolok. Kata Kolok is a sign language used by them to communicate with each other.

The name of this village in Bali is Bengkala. Every person living here knows how to communicate in sign language. The reason for this is that in most families, one or more members cannot hear or speak. This village is also known as Deaf Village. The Kata Kolok sign language is not only used in the village, but in local government offices too.

Kata Kolok is a centuries-old sign language. Only the people of the village can understand it. Outsiders shy away from visiting the village as the majority of the residents of the village are deaf. This makes it a necessity for people of the village to learn sign language.

About three thousand people live in this village. A 1995 research article said that the reason for the people to be born deaf and dumb here is the presence of a DNA mutation known as DFNB3. TH DFNB3 gene is known to be present in the village for more than 700 years now.

Many people in the village feel that they have got this deafness due to a curse. According to the local story, there was a fight between two black magicians living here. During this fight, they cursed each other to become deaf. The villagers believe that all the people of the village are from the lineage of these two black magic wizards.

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